From Hille to Luebbecke
The unscathed wilderness of Hille Torfmoor (peat bog) is heaven for nature lovers. The marsh reserve provides a safe habitat for endangered flora and fauna.
Here you can find more information on the community Hille.
Barre’s Brewery in Luebbecke is one of Germany’s oldest pilsner breweries. After a tour of Ernst Barre’s Private Brewery museum, enjoy a fresh draught beer in the “Old Storage Cellar”!
Here you can find further information about the city Luebbecke.
Minden Marketing GmbH
Domstraße 2
32423 Minden
Phone: +49 (0)571 8290659
Opening hours of the tourist information office:
Monday - Friday 9.00am - 6.00pm
Saturday 10.00am - 2.00pm
You can get tourist information from Monday to Saturday in our office in Domstraße 2. The Minden Tourist Information is certified by the German Tourism Association (DTV) and has barrier-free access.
Minden Tourist Information has been awarded the "Service Quality Germany" seal of approval for its service to guests and visitors. This DTV seal of approval identifies the quality of service, the service concept and corporate management as quality features in tourism.